Slapping, the world’s most brutal and strange sport

Slapping, as we know, is usually meant to insult rather than hurt someone. But in Russia, it has developed into a serious sport for guys with iron fists and extraordinary endurance.

Two men were standing next to a wooden table. One in a white T-shirt was taking off his bracelet and listening to the rules, while the other, with a beard, was patiently waiting, his muscular body clearly visible under his blue sweater.

Then the formalities were done. It was time. The bearded man would strike first, and the man in the coat was ready with a smug half-smile.

Bang! A slap from the bearded man’s hand. The smug smile of the young man in the white shirt disappeared as he fell backwards. Only with the help of the people around him was he able to stand up. His face was distorted as he shook his head, signaling that he could not retaliate. He accepted defeat.

Vasily Kamotsky dumplings (right) in a clash.

And so it was, the bearded man won. He was quite calm. Because he was Vasily Kamotsky Dumpling, the Russian slapping champion. Such victories are almost a habit.

Slapping, as we know, is usually meant to insult rather than to hurt someone. But in Russia, it has developed into a professional sport. The slapping championship was held in the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk, as part of the Siberian Power Show, which included many events such as bodybuilding, weightlifting, dancing, dumpling eating and slapping.

The rules of this sport are very simple. Two competitors will stand opposite each other around a small table and take turns slapping each other in the face. No one is allowed to dodge, but must show their face to the opponent to torture. The winner or loser will be determined when one of them collapses, or asks to stop.

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The king who fought in the “East and North” slapping contest met with disaster, his face was disfigured from being slapped.

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